Please note: Shipping and campus pick-up available. Check out our new gear soon!.


The Bush School Spirit store is officially online today!

This is not the first time that Bush has had a school store, but it is the first time in a long time. Jim Hamilton's elective class in the 70s and 80s taught middle school students about supply and demand by having them operate a shop full of essential school supplies. Now our store sells more sweatshirts than notepads, but because it is still student-run, the objective has not changed: to teach young people management skills and allow them the opportunity to explore business early on. The Bush School is dedicated to experiential learning, so we have created a store to encourage students to explore business as a possible area of study or a life interest.

Already, about 20 Upper School students are collaborating and sharing their ideas on order to make the Spirit Store the best it can be. This team of dedicated contributors are excited to have this merchandise widely available online, and hope that it encourages the school to demonstrate its spirit.


-Sonia Rhodes
Senior Projects 2016

1 comment

  • Olivia

    So cool to know about the history of the store! Jim Hamilton was my sixth grade English teacher—great guy.

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